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Men’s volleyball sweep season series versus Waterloo

WATERLOO– Defeating Waterloo for the second time this season, the Brock Badgers men’s volleyball team earned the series sweep over the Warriors on the road Saturday night. Set scores for the match were 22-25, 25-19, 31-29, 25-15.
The Badgers were buoyed to victory by their offence, putting together sequence after sequence to pester the Warriors defence with a variety and never-ending attack, tallying nearly 20 more total attacks and nearly 30 more total assists.
Third-year setter Grant Reddon was once again the driving force for the Badgers, registering his fourth consecutive match with over 50 assists, finishing the night with 53.
Benefitting from the strong setting inside was both outside hitter for Brock, as both left side Devin Cooney and right side Kylar Code surpassed 20 points in the win. For Code, his 26 points mark the third time this season he has set a new career-high for himself, accumulating 22 kills and four service aces. Meanwhile, the 20.5 points for Cooney also marked a new personal best as he finished the night with 19 kills, one ace, and one block assist.
Defensively, Brock libero Ethan Kalef registerd a game-high nine digs.
For the Warriors, Noel Campfens led the way with 21.5 points from 17 kills, three aces, one solo block and one block assist.

Despite the win, Brock did see their playoff hopes dashed as they have fallen out of contention for a top eight seed in the OUA rankings this season. Following the results of other games from around the league, the Badgers now sit five games out of a playoff position with only four regular season matches remaining.
Next on the docket for Brock will be the Queen’s Gaels coming to St. Catharines next weekend for a doubleheader. Action begins on Friday, Feb. 10 at the Bob Davis Gymnasium. Tickets for the home games can be purchased on University Tickets, while the action is also streamed online via
Overall Record: 7-16 (W-L)
Conference Record: 3-12
Next match: Friday, Feb. 10 vs Queen’s Gaels – 8 p.m. – Bob Davis Gymnasium

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