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Western Mustangs fall to McMaster Marauders 3-1

The Western Mustangs met with the McMaster Marauders yesterday, falling three sets to nothing. Meeting with the team again today, despite looking to take the win, McMaster was able to secure the win with a 3-1 score. 
The McMaster Marauders win the first point, but a long serve equalises the points for Western. After a ball goes out of bounds from the Mustangs’ hands, a kill from Claire Stewart makes sure that McMaster are not able to pull away early with points. The Marauders push ahead in the points but after a long rally with both teams making excellent digs to keep the ball alive, Rachel Grey sends the ball over that goes off the block and out of bounds, giving the point to the Mustangs, giving the Western bench some energy early into the first set. The Mustangs equalise the points at 9 after a service ace from Ava Ebert. However, after an error from the Mustangs and a service ace from McMaster, the Marauders push ahead in the points again. A cross-court kill from Devin Gerth closes the point gap to 2. The teams trade service errors as the Marauders get within six points of the set win. A timeout is called at the Marauders win the first point coming out of the timeout. McMaster gets within two points of the set win after they find a way past the Western defence, putting the ball in the far end of the court. A service ace from McMaster puts them within one point of the set win but a service ace from Devin Gerth makes sure to keep the pressure on McMaster. McMaster take the opening set with a score of 25-19. 
McMaster wins the opening point of the second set but Western equalise quickly. Rachel Grey finds a way past the McMaster block to increase the point lead. The teams tie points at three points. McMaster pushes ahead but a kill from Claire Stewart and an attacking error from McMaster works to close the point gap. The Mustangs tie at 8 points. Two service aces from Rachel Grey pushes the Mustangs to a two-point lead. A cross court kill from Jenna Woock on the McMaster team brings the Marauders within one points of the Mustangs. The Mustangs maintain their point lead despite the Marauders putting the pressure on. A block from Rachel Grey pushes McMaster into a timeout after pushing that point lead to three. The Mustangs get within five points of the set win and continue to push towards the set win but after the Marauders win three points in a row to put pressure on the Mustangs, a timeout is called by Western. However, Devin Gerth places a ball in the near left hand corner of the court to push towards the set in. Western take the second set 20-25.
Coming into the third set, both teams each have a set win, looking to win a second. McMaster win the first point after Western is unable to make it past their defence. A misdirection from Devin Gerth and an error from McMaster sees Western equalise at 2 points. A service ace from McMaster pushes the team ahead in the points, calling for a timeout from the Mustangs. The Marauders extend their lead to seven points early in the third set. A kill from Robin Henshaw keeps the Mustangs in the third set by adding another point to the scoreboard. Rachel Grey adds to the Mustangs’ point to help close the 11-point gap between the two teams in the points. Maddy Lutes sends a ball over the net that goes off the Mustangs block and out of bounds making the score 17-6 to the Marauders. The Mustangs work to close the gap to seven. However, Maddy Lutes from the Marauders finds an empty spot in the far middle of the court. A service ace from McMaster puts them within five points of the set win. A service ace from Olivia Julien puts the Marauders within one point of the set win. A short serve from the Mustangs gives the Marauders the set win making the final score 25-15 to the Marauders. 
Western win the first point of the fourth set after a double block from the Mustangs sends the ball back onto the McMaster side. McMaster equalise but the Mustangs push ahead in the points. A service ace from McMaster finds the far corner to equalise at three points. The two teams trade points but McMaster is eventually able to get the lead. A kill from Maddy Lutes finds the middle of the court on the Mustangs’ side. Despite McMaster maintaining the point lead, the Mustangs maintain the pressure on the Marauders. Lael Harrison sends a ball into a McMaster double block where it goes out of bounds off their hands giving the point to Western. This makes the score 17-13 to the Marauders. Good communication between the Mustangs ensures that no one touches the serve that goes long from the Marauders. Jenna Woock from McMaster sends the ball to the left-hand side of the court to bring the Mustangs within five points of the set win. The Mustangs cut the point lead to three, causing McMaster to call for a timeout. Despite getting slowly closer to the set win, the Mustangs make sure to maintain pressure on the Marauders. Despite good effort from the Mustangs to close the point gap between the two teams, the Marauders took the fourth set 25-18. 
The Western Mustangs will take on the Waterloo Warriors on January 19th at 6:00pm in Alumni Hall, London. 

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