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Gaels sweep Marauders in straight sets

BOX SCORE KINGSTON, Ont. (Jan. 26, 2024) – Queen’s Men’s Volleyball opens weekend series with 3 set sweep ( 25-23, 25-21, 25-17) over McMaster, Friday night at the ARC.

The Gaels continued to elevate their performance with each set in this high-intensity match. The competition remained fierce, with both teams contending for control on the court. As the crowd rallied behind the players with spirited cheers and support, Queen’s ultimately emerged victorious, securing the win in three straight sets.

Chris Zimmerman played a pivotal role in facilitating the offense, tallying an impressive 35 assists. Zig Licis asserted his dominance at the net with 12 kills, while Reed Venning and Erik Siksna contributed 11 and 9 kills respectively. Venning also added 2 aces and 2 blocks.

With the win, the Gaels improved their record to 11-3 on the season. Queen’s is set to play McMaster again tomorrow, Saturday, January 27 at 8:00 P.M, at the Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC).

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