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First Year Feature – Women’s Volleyball

The transition from high school to college athletics is significant. We’re highlighting athletes from all varsity teams this season who are on the path to becoming great athletes at Dalhousie University.   

This week we would like to introduce Hannah Ropret, a first-year volleyball athlete from Toronto, ON! Hannah is studying in the Commerce program at Dal! 

How long have you been playing volleyball? 

Did you play any other sports growing up? 

I mainly played soccer growing up but was always experimenting with other sports such as swimming, track and field, and even competitive diving. 

Who is somebody in sport you admired growing up and why? 

I have always admired beach volleyball player Melissa Humana-Parades. Melissa is a member of the National Team and won the 2019 Beach Volleyball World Championships with partner Sarah Pavan. Melissa has always been inspiring to me as she has been successful on the highest stage and promotes a very positive image for young female athletes. Beach volleyball takes her to various parts of the world, and she always takes time to acknowledge and appreciate the places she travels to. She is incredibly dedicated to the sport and stays true to who she is as an athlete and person while being in the spotlight. She continues to see success on the world stage with her new partner Brandie Wilkerson. 

What is the most memorable moment in your career so far? 

My most memorable moment in my career so far was winning the Ontario Provincial Championship with my 18u club team. My 18u year was very special as I had spent five years with the club and had created some very close friendships with the girls on my team. Winning provincials was very special as it had been one of the goals we had been working towards. I was ecstatic to win with my team and proud to win it for my coaches who I had been with throughout the majority of my club career. 

What made you choose Dalhousie University? 

I chose Dalhousie for the combination of the commerce co-op program, the volleyball team and the experience Halifax offered. It has always been a goal of mine to go out of province for university. After visiting Dalhousie, I felt as though the school would provide me with the best of both worlds. I would be able to achieve my academic and athletic goals while also experiencing living in another part of Canada. 

Did any of your family members attend Dalhousie University? 

Both of my parents and other family members stayed in Ontario for university. I am the first member of my family to attend Dalhousie. 

What are some differences you’ve noticed being a part of a DAL team compared to your previous teams? 

Being a part of a DAL team has brought me new opportunities I have not experienced before. Firstly, the resources I have had access to have been extremely helpful. Our strength and conditioning program led by Brett Armstrong has already given me physical gains, easy access to Dal physio has helped me to stay healthy, and if I ever need assistance during practice our training staff has been phenomenal. Specific to the volleyball team, the coaching staff is extensive and there are always multiple sets of eyes watching to help you improve. Finally, the girls on the team have exceeded my expectations. Since day one I have noticed how much value the program puts on team culture. Both on and off the court they value the connections between teammates and the hard work that each member puts into the team. 

How would you describe your time with the team so far? 

My time with the team so far has been incredibly welcoming, supportive, and motivating. My process of joining the team was complicated and confusing as there was a change in the coaching staff. However, once I arrived and started practicing with the team my experience could not have gone better. As I previously mentioned, the team puts a lot of emphasis on our culture within. My teammates have welcomed me with open arms, celebrated my successes and pushed me to become better in a supportive and encouraging environment. Off the court, my team has always included me in activities and has taken the time and energy to learn about me as a person outside of volleyball. As a varsity athlete, you spend the majority of your time with your teammates. I am incredibly grateful that my relationships with my teammates go beyond the volleyball court, and I can call them my friends. 

What are some of your interests outside of sports? 

I am extremely interested in interior design. I love to redecorate my room back home and I enjoyed decorating my dorm room. I am very excited to decorate my house for next year and find good deals on unique décor/furniture pieces. 

Any pre-event superstitions/routines? 

I wouldn’t consider myself a very superstitious person. However, I always have a glass of orange juice with my pregame meal. 

One team routine I have enjoyed on home gamedays is our hitting warm-up song “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” By ABBA. My family and I have always loved Mamma Mia and ABBA so this definitely gets me excited on game days! 

What is the biggest risk you’ve taken so far in your athletic career? 

I’d say my biggest risk so far in my athletic career was when I switched from soccer to volleyball. As I previously mentioned I had grown up playing soccer but was always experimenting with other sports. After discovering my passion for volleyball through my school team I decided to make the full transition to volleyball without securing a spot on a club team for the upcoming season. Fortunately, I was given an opportunity to play on a local team for the year and haven’t looked back since! 

What was the coolest experience you’ve had so far this year? 

My coolest experience this year was our first team trip to Ottawa. It was my first time travelling with the team and getting to wear the Dalhousie jersey. The experience allowed me to bond with my team and was an opportunity to play teams that were outside of our conference. It was also a very memorable experience as my family was able to come and support me! 

I can do a 1-minute merengue Latin dance. 

Fast Fact Questions (rapid fire, 1-word answers) 

Favourite food? Poutine 

Favourite movie? The Sixth Sense 

Favourite warm-up song or current favourite song? Loveeeeeee Song By Rihanna (Feat. Future) 

Favourite professional athlete or team? Buffalo Bills 

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? Australia 

Who is an athlete that you would compare yourself to? Samantha Seliger-Swenson (former Minnesota Gopher’s Setter) 


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