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The Lancers did not give in to the heat of the Marauders and sent the match to five sets. Something this seasons’ squad has only done once before – also against the Lancers on November 6th 2021.

The game statistics reflected the tightness of the sets, however the Marauders led most of the way through: Sam Cooper recorded 22 kills, followed by Maxime Gratton with 17 kills, to go along with a game-high three service aces. Jordan Pereira led all players with 10 digs, while Robbie Fujisawa dished out 47 assists in his first career playoff game.

The home team kicked off the intensity in the opening set, with 10 kills leading to 25 points and a .389 hitting percentage. Holding heavy defense with four blocks, the Marauders capitalized on the Lancers eight attacks errors and kept them to 13 points in first set.

With strong momentum matched by both teams, the second set brought a challenge. Windsor swelled their hitting percentage from -.083 in the first set to .289 in the second to keep the match a draw. The Marauders fell slightly as the Lancers knocked down 25 points, compared to their 23.

The third set brought the undefeated Marauders the redemption they craved. The pair of unhinged second years Cooper and Wojtek Kraj racked some numbers in the set, with Cooper going on 13 kills and 24 total attacks, and Kraj with a .800 hitting percentage and two solo blocks. The Marauders clutched the set 25-18.

Providing constant service Cooper put up 19.5 points – 18 kills, four digs and two set assists. Fifth year Jordan Pereira played a tough defensive set serving seven digs to keep the Marauders going in crucial moments. The team played a collective set, but slipped 25-21.

In the match that seemed destined for a fifth set, the Marauders were planning on going nowhere but home and came to play in the game deciding set. With an unmatched energy, the men in Maroon hit 10 kills in 24 attack attempts, with a .250 hitting percentage. The Marauders took the final set 15-11 to take home the victory and advance in their playoff run.

With home-court advantage, the McMaster Marauders continue their undefeated streak as they take on the Brock Badgers on Wednesday at 7pm for the OUA semifinals match.

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