
Bold close off the weekend with a 3-1 victory

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The TMU Bold is coming off an electric win against RMC last night, and today they were hoping to do the exact same and secure their second win of the season. 

The Paladins returned expecting to out do the Bold, but that was quickly shut down. 

Early in the first set, the Bold took control of the score and left the Paladins in the dust. 

Many service errors from the Paladins made it easy for the Bold to pick up points. Alex King, OUA first-team all-star and last year’s male athlete of the year, recorded 18 kills.

“I love the award, but I think a championship or at least a semi-final would really give me more joy,” said King.

The Bold capitalized off of the Paladin’s mistakes and beat them in the first set with an exceptional score of 25-9, and moving forward to the second set, they wanted to repeat that success. 

First-year Day Westell who’s been a great asset to the team this weekend, brought his A-game once again. Westell and King teamed up to create game-chilling plays, and the scoreboard reflected that. 

The second set fired the crowd up, as the Bold racked up point after point. The Bold’s lineup started working together more efficiently and it started to pay off. 

The Paladins tried to catch the Bold, but credited to some service errors, the Paladins slowly inched past the Bold keeping the score super close. 

Down to the last few points in the second, both teams battled back and forth trying to gain the two-point advantage, but finally, the Paladins were able to secure it and tie up the game 1-1.

” I got to give it to RMC they came into our gym and served a lot better than last night and put some pressure on us…but I was happy with the way we responded,” added interim head coach Niko Rukavina.

The third set was all about who wanted it more, and both of these teams were chasing the lead. The Bold got more strategic, and placed the ball in the Paladin’s weak spots, making it harder for them to keep the play alive.

Westell led the bold in hit percentage with a.750% a repeat of how he did last night. 

The Bold reminded the Paladins exactly what they’re made of, by taking a massive lead in the third. 

Libero Tony Tanouchev helps the Bold receive the Paladin’s quick attacks and keeps the play going for the Bold. 

The Bold immediately take this game back in their hands and finish the third set with a score of 25-17. 

The fourth set was all or nothing for the Bold, and they performed. King rolls out the kills, giving the Bold the lead. This game heavily relied on the service errors from the opposing team, as the Bold racked up the aces.

Lyam Krapp played an intense first game today and that showed in his stats for the night. He was second in kills with 11 and second in points with 14. 

“I just want to continue to give it to my all, and be loud and vocal and get the team going,” said Krapp.

Finding their groove, the Bold did their part in working well as a team and keeping the Paladins far from the win. 

For the final point, Bobby Tang takes the serve and after a rally, a block from the Bold ends this game once and for all. 

The Bold record their second win of the season, and have an amazing weekend to remember. TMU will be at McMaster next Saturday at 3. p.m.


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